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How to create a realtor email signature that sells​

Create and perfect your real estate email signature in minutes, with proven examples and designed signature templates made especially for your niche.

Personal email signature Company-wide signature

Short answer

What should I include in a realtor email signature?

  1. Your professional info and contact details
  2. A quality image of you and your brand logo
  3. A glimpse into your portfolio (Social media, review sites and real estate listings)
  4. A sales offer (CTA)

To create a good realtor email signature you should follow some basic steps. Get inspired by what people have done before you, know what to include, know what not to include, use the right colors and fonts, and learn how to effectively harness your social media.


Turn your realtor email signature into a powerful marketing tool

Your email signature serves as your digital business card. Most people you correspond with will learn to recognize you through the details and professionalism you present in your signature block. Do this right and it can give you a competitive edge in your industry.

The majority of realtors spend a great amount of time following up with leads, creating portfolios, and establishing an online presence, you’re probably no different. According to a recent survey, 49% of your real estate agent peers work over 40 hours a week. A large percentage of their time is spent on personal branding and advertising.

If you spend a lot of your time corresponding with potential clients by email, then your email signature represents a powerful marketing channel. Neglecting it will surely set you back. This article will explore the main elements that every real estate professional should include in their email signature sign-off.


Learn by example from our best realtor email signatures

Below are some of our designed real estate email signature templates. Take a look and get inspired. You can use any of these samples as a base for your own email footer in just a few clicks.


Include the 4 essential signature components specifically for real estate

There is a huge branding and sales potential in your email signature. Don’t leave it untapped. The good news is that there are only 4 main aspects to look out for, and they are fairly simple to understand and set up. We’ll go through them now.

4 parts of a great realtor signature

  1. Your professional info and contact details
  2. A quality image of you and your brand logo
  3. A glimpse into your portfolio (Social media, review sites, and real estate listings)
  4. A sales offer

Make it yours
Real estate agent email signature basic design with company logo and Youtube link

Realtor signature example with real estate company logo


Add your professional info and contact details

Use your full name (and not a nickname)

A recent study indicates that when business owners use their full name it appears to be more professional. There will be a time to get more personal (as I’m sure you know) further down the sales process.

State your job title

Make sure to clarify your specialization, if you have one. If applicable you can add your educational or niche expertise for extra credibility and relevance. For example, you could set your title to “Corporate real estate agent” or “NYC Real estate agent”, etc.

According to statistics from our client base, the top-used title names are Realtor, Real Estate Agent, and Broker, if you work in a specific niche or locale, don’t be afraid to get specific.

Add your company name

A company will usually give you added credibility. If it’s a known brand within your client base this can be very advantageous.

Add contact Information

Insert only the minimal information that will enable clients to contact you directly, without having to look you up. The season for this is to reduce information overload, where you have so much info that your prospects have a hard time finding the essentials (the more you add the less likely people will contact you).

  1. Give your phone number, preferably your direct mobile number. Use a click-to-call link for all! This will make it easier for clients to reach you.
  2. Adding your brick-and-mortar address is super important if meeting your clients at the office is an essential part of your sales process. It can also lend you trustworthiness, but if you hardly bring a client to the office, it wouldn’t make or break your signature, so include only if you can spare the room.
  3. Adding your company website to your email signature with a hyperlink will enable potential clients to access your information with a simple click. If you’re working in a department within a big firm, consider adding a link to your department landing page instead of the company homepage.
  4. I recommend that you don’t add your email address, as everybody knows where to find the reply button.


Include a quality image of you and your brand logo

It is important to display a photo giving your email signature personal touch. People like to be reminded that there’s a real live person on the other side of the email. 

If you also want to strengthen your brand, then I advise that you add your company logo. If you’re part of a known brand with a positive name in the public eye, putting only the logo image may be more appropriate in order to reel in more sales.

Make it yours
real estate email signature template with social media buttons


Give a glimpse into your portfolio

Social media links, review sites, and real estate listings can be set as icons integrated beautifully into your email footer. Using Wisestamp signature builder you can add a logo to any of your preferred sites in seconds. 

Adding these icons to your signature will enrich it with all the content channels you can offer your prospects. Even more, it will do it inside a tiny space and act as a significant traffic channel to your social media and other web assets.

social media icon options for your Wisestamp email signature

Social media icon options for your Wisestamp email signature

Social media links realtors should use

  • Facebook – Use your company page, showing your available properties
  • Linkedin – This is an opportunity to show personality and accomplishments (you can read how to optimize your realtor Linkedin profile here)
  • Instagram – Use this to show high-quality photos of your best properties
  • Pinterest – Use this channel to exhibit all your properties and drive traffic to your website (not many realtors truly harness the power of Pinterest, but they should)
Make it yours
Modern realtor email signature block design

Realtor signature example with Instagram gallery


According to a recent study from the National Association of Realtors, 97% of realtors use Facebook for marketing, 59% of real estate agents use Linkedin as a source of self-promotion and 39% of brokers use Instagram to update the current state of their properties.

These are not people wasting their time. All the social media channels listed above can bring you leads in one way or another.

Real estate listing sites:

  • Trulia.com
  • Zillow.com
  • Realtor.com
  • Streeteasy.com (for New Yorkers)

All these sites are well known and are highly recommended by realtors in North America and even Europe. These sites enable you to show your listings and availability slot in the real estate market. 

If you’re still not listed, you may be missing out. I recommend that you take the opportunity to link from your signature block to any of them you are listed on and have been shown to drive sales.

Review sites realtors should use:

  • Yelp
  • Google my business

These sites supply a known go-to for reviews on all types of businesses, they are not dedicated to real estate as the listing sites above are (and also supply reviews for real estate agents and companies). 

Many people will look you up on these sites from habit, and their logos are highly recognizable, so even though they are broader than your niche they may still work well for you if you link to them from your email sign-off.


Make a sales offer with a Call to Action

Everything we talked about up to this point was more about professional branding and increasing engagement on your social web assets. Now let’s talk about your core business goals. 

Your email signature is a constant reminder of what you stand for professionally, but it can also remind people of what you offer specifically. It may be irrelevant to most people most of the time, but it will be relevant to some people some of the time. 

Don’t let this opportunity go to waste and be sure to add a clear, succinct, and actionable offer (in professional terms this is referred to as your Call to Action or CTA). For real estate agents, one such offer can be a clickable banner with a picture of a nice property and text saying something like “Find your next home here”. 

The banner should probably link to your best-performing landing page where your prospects could get more information and where you could further convince them to take you up on your offer.

Make it yours
Real estate agent email signature template with CTA banner

Realtor email signature example with CTA banner

Types of calls to action you can use

There are many types of call-to-action, so a banner is not your only option. Our WiseStamp email signature editor gives you the most options you could find anywhere else. Below is a list of the best options:

  • Designed banners and your own custom banners
  • Custom button
  • Direct scheduling add-on
  • Sales, events and special offers labels and links
  • Website link
  • Designed large social media buttons
  • Instagram gallery of your real estate portfolio
Make it yours
corporate with social icon and zoom app min

Real estate email signature example: 2 options to set a meeting

Take your prospects on a virtual 360 tour

A really neat way to pull people in is to use a link to a virtual tour of a great property. Using the Wisestamp generator you can link through banners, buttons, tags, and simple email signature site links. Try this and I predict you’ll see great results.

Make it yours
realtor email signature with image gallery and virtual meeting button


Use balanced fonts and Colors

In terms of design, it’s important for realtors to have a clean and simple email signature. You should read our tips on the best email signature fonts and why they work

When deciding the color scheme for your email signature it’s important to take into consideration a few things. Make sure you coordinate your color scheme properly for example, which company do you work for and what is the color of their logo. 

If the company’s logo is in the burgundy family, it is recommended to use red-friendly colors such as red, black, gray-brown, etc. On the contrary, If you have a green logo it wouldn’t make sense to use a blue font (this would be considered a color mismatch and would be inherently displeasing for most people).

We talk in section 2 about what your signature should include, but to make the best use of your signature space you have to be very sharp on what NOT to include.


Create a free email signature for real estate agents with Wisestamp generator

wisestamp email signature maker benefits

Wisestamp free email signature maker

You can use our signature editor to create your own professional realtor signature in minutes. Tens of thousands of your peers are already using our platform to enriched and empower their emails. Don’t miss out, it’s free. 

If you’re a Gmail user (and soon also for Outlook users) Wisestamp will inject your signature directly into your email message box with just 1 click. This will save you from the frustration involved with setting up a signature footer manually.

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