email signature banner gallery

Email signature banners
by WiseStamp

Browse 100s of email signature banners with the message you need for when you need it.


How to add a banner to my email signature?

You can create a banner email signature in less than 5 minutes with WiseStamp’s email signature generator. You can choose to upload your own banner image, or you can add one of our designed banners and GIFs.

What are the copyrights for use?

We’ve designed these banners for our clients to use FREE of charge. You can use them freely in all your WiseStamp Pro email signatures which you can create our email signature generator, or our email signature manager.

What is the recommended image size for an email signature banner?

The recommended size for an email signature banner should be around 500 pixels width and 120 pixels hieght. But the best banner size will change responsively with the size of your signature, depending on the screen size. For a signature banner to be responsive it has to be added with HTML code. The best way to do that is by using an email signature generator.

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